Saturday, October 17, 2009

Perspective on Education

Education in our society is heavily emphasized  in the 21st century. The way I have been raised, I have been taught to study hard and give it the best I got. Many have asked me what I would like to major once I graduated from high school, assuming that I would continue with my education without even asking me whether or not I would like to pursue a Bachelor's degree and beyond. For a little while I came to believe and it has embedded in my mind as well that getting a Bachelor's degree and beyond is critical to get the job we wish. 

I have known many that have gotten their degrees in Engineering, Childhood Education, etc. Some successfully gotten their jobs in their field of studies while others have not and worked in food courts at the mall. Based on this, it has really changed my point of view on what it takes to be successful in our society. Education is strongly based on personal perseverance, knowing of self worth, and networking right. It is not necessarily by the number of degrees one receives.